The Dream Flight USA Foundation, Inc. was created by Sharon Ryan, while a full-time teacher at John Marshall Elementary School in Wausau, WI. To view more information about Sharon, please click here.


To view the many business and individual sponsors of the Dream Flight USA/STEM Shuttle program, please click here.


Following is a listing of the Dream Flight USA Officers and Board of Directors, the Dream Flight USA Advisory Board and the STEM Shuttle Staff:


Dream Flight USA Officers and Board of Directors


Sharon Ryan - Chairwoman


Joe Burnett - President


Dave Eckmann - Treasurer


Gina Freels - Secretary


Donna Chapman Stone




Penny Dudley - Director Emeritus


Robert Dudley - Director Emeritus


Nick Ryan - Executive Director


Dream Flight USA Advisory Board


Mark N. Brown- (NASA Astronaut, Ret.)


Mark Lee - (NASA Astronaut, Ret.)


Kathy Mathie


Allen Merta


Rita Merta


Lindy Penn


Shawn Sullivan


Jean Frankel







