The STEM Shuttle Mission
The STEM Shuttle program is designed for grades 4 – 8. Shuttle missions can last one day or several days. The maximum number of students taking part in a day is 75.
STEM Shuttle missions to schools are a learning opportunity, with student challenged to a variety of hands-on work stations. Two of our teachers will be on board to supervise the activities. We ask that one host teacher be on board during each session.
At least 3 weeks prior to the shuttle mission, one of our teachers will be in contact with a host teacher or administrator to work out the schedule for the day or days we will be docked at the school or event. Key points to keep in mind:
Space on the shuttle is limited. For school shuttle missions, in order to provide best opportunity to learn as well as for the safety of all on board, the number of students is limited to no more than 10 students during a session.
The time of each session is 50 to 55 minutes, depending on the number of students participating in the program.
We will need to know what time our shuttle may safely enter and depart the school grounds (after the buses and parents have dropped off and picked up their students).
When you wish the classes on board the shuttle are to begin and end.
The lunch schedule for the school. (If possible, since we can’t move the shuttle during the day, we appreciate the schools providing lunch for the 3-person crew.
When and how to schedule a STEM Shuttle mission
To contact us for further information or how to schedule the shuttle, please email stemshuttle@gmail.com. Or call 715-845-6392.
The most favorite seasons for the shuttle missions? Fall and Spring. The least favorite, January, February, and March. Snow and cold have been responsible for far too many postponements. Yes, April snow is also a factor, but we are up for that challenge.
After the STEM Shuttle mission has been scheduled, mission preparations will begin. The crew will be selected (2 teachers and the shuttle pilot), contact information will be shared with those needing to know who to contact your school or event, and when needed, motel rooms will be reserved.